Terrence J. Melvin
Head Pastor
Pastor Terrence J. Melvin is the Pastor and Founder of New Solid Rock Church Ministries, Inc. which he founded with his wife, Co-Pastor Taunya A. Melvin, in November 1996.
Pastor Melvin is a role model to men of all ages. His message to all that know him is that he truly "Loves the Lord". Saved at a young age, he accepted the Lords calling to the ministry when he was only 17 years old, first being ordained as a deacon and then becoming a minister at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church under the teaching of the Late Dr. Curtis Kyle. After falling in love with his high school sweetheart, Taunya A. Melvin, he joined and became an associate minister at Triedstone F.B.H. Church under the leadership of the Late Rev. Dr. Amos N. Frazier in June of 1978.
Before establishing New Solid Rock Church Ministries in Washington, D.C., Pastor Melvin, and his wife served as pastors of Zion Hill F.B.H. Church in Norristown, PA, for four years and St. Luke FBH Church in Brooklyn, NY, for one year.
A native Washingtonian, Rev. Melvin received his early education at Jessie LaSalle Elementary School, Bertie Backus Jr. High, and McKinley Technical Sr. High School where he studied music. He furthered his education at the University of the District of Columbia where he majored in Business and Accounting. Pastor Melvin was employed with the Brookings Institution for over thirty-seven (37) years and is now retired from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore as the former Distribution and Customer Service Manager of Hopkins Fulfillment Service. Now he enjoys spending his retirement working full-time for the Lord.
Pastor Melvin is also the author of "Inside Out: A Six Month Devotional to Change.!" which can be purchased on Amazon. Just click the link. below.
Pastor Melvin is a role model to men of all ages. His message to all that know him is that he truly "Loves the Lord". Saved at a young age, he accepted the Lords calling to the ministry when he was only 17 years old, first being ordained as a deacon and then becoming a minister at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church under the teaching of the Late Dr. Curtis Kyle. After falling in love with his high school sweetheart, Taunya A. Melvin, he joined and became an associate minister at Triedstone F.B.H. Church under the leadership of the Late Rev. Dr. Amos N. Frazier in June of 1978.
Before establishing New Solid Rock Church Ministries in Washington, D.C., Pastor Melvin, and his wife served as pastors of Zion Hill F.B.H. Church in Norristown, PA, for four years and St. Luke FBH Church in Brooklyn, NY, for one year.
A native Washingtonian, Rev. Melvin received his early education at Jessie LaSalle Elementary School, Bertie Backus Jr. High, and McKinley Technical Sr. High School where he studied music. He furthered his education at the University of the District of Columbia where he majored in Business and Accounting. Pastor Melvin was employed with the Brookings Institution for over thirty-seven (37) years and is now retired from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore as the former Distribution and Customer Service Manager of Hopkins Fulfillment Service. Now he enjoys spending his retirement working full-time for the Lord.
Pastor Melvin is also the author of "Inside Out: A Six Month Devotional to Change.!" which can be purchased on Amazon. Just click the link. below.

Taunya A. Melvin
Co- Pastor
Co-Pastor Taunya A. Melvin is the Co-Pastor of New Solid Rock Church Ministries, Inc. which she founded with her husband, Pastor Terrence J. Melvin in November 1996. She tirelessly promotes the growth of the church and continually fosters a warm and friendly environment where members of the congregation and visitors serve the Lord with gladness and harmony with each other.
Pastor Taunya was saved at a very young age and accepted the calling to the ministry when she was 16 years old. Her ambition in life is to live so that God can use me anytime and anywhere and she has proven acceptance with the mission. Before establishing New Solid Rock Church Ministries in Washington, D.C., Pastor Melvin, and her husband served as pastors of Zion Hill FBH Church in Norristown, PA, for four years and St. Luke FBH Church in Brooklyn, NY, for one year.
Throughout her life, God has used her, and He continues to use her to spread His work and to bring comfort to those who are in need of help. She is a true child of God, dedicated to doing her master’s will and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ wherever she goes in words and in deed. She is not content to just "live the life" but she strives to live it so that the world will see Jesus in all her undertakings.
Co-Pastor Melvin holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology form Howard University and a Master of Science in Administration Degree specializing in Non-Profit Management from Trinity University, both located in Washington, DC. She is now studying to receive her doctorate degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Non-Profit Management at Liberty University in Virginia.
She without hesitation works side by side with her Pastor and husband to labor in Gods vineyard to do whatever He assigns their hand to do. Her favorite saying is "God is Good all the time, and All the Time God is Good!"
Co-Pastor Melvin is also the author of "Hanging in the Balance" which can be purchased on Amazon. Just click the link below.
Pastor Taunya was saved at a very young age and accepted the calling to the ministry when she was 16 years old. Her ambition in life is to live so that God can use me anytime and anywhere and she has proven acceptance with the mission. Before establishing New Solid Rock Church Ministries in Washington, D.C., Pastor Melvin, and her husband served as pastors of Zion Hill FBH Church in Norristown, PA, for four years and St. Luke FBH Church in Brooklyn, NY, for one year.
Throughout her life, God has used her, and He continues to use her to spread His work and to bring comfort to those who are in need of help. She is a true child of God, dedicated to doing her master’s will and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ wherever she goes in words and in deed. She is not content to just "live the life" but she strives to live it so that the world will see Jesus in all her undertakings.
Co-Pastor Melvin holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology form Howard University and a Master of Science in Administration Degree specializing in Non-Profit Management from Trinity University, both located in Washington, DC. She is now studying to receive her doctorate degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Non-Profit Management at Liberty University in Virginia.
She without hesitation works side by side with her Pastor and husband to labor in Gods vineyard to do whatever He assigns their hand to do. Her favorite saying is "God is Good all the time, and All the Time God is Good!"
Co-Pastor Melvin is also the author of "Hanging in the Balance" which can be purchased on Amazon. Just click the link below.