New Solid Rock Church Ministries, Inc.

March 2025 Affirmation

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

-2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV

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If you have a recipe from the Corporate Fast and would like to share it in our "Glorious Harvest Cookbook", click on the picture to the left!
Join us to hear our anointed praise team under the leadership of our dynamic Pastor and music ministry. 
At New Solid Rock Church Ministries, we serve our community. From free clothing and food giveaways, to partnering with Cooper Lane Elementary School.
Want to hear more word from the Lord? Click the picture to the right to connect to our weekly devotionals!
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Recent Sermons

Come visit our library of sermons that touch every aspect of the human experience. We can guarantee that you will find what you need from the Word of God!

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School - 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Glorious Wave (Intercessory Prayer) - 10:30 am - 10:45 am
Morning Worship - 10:45 am (In-Person)
11:00 am (In- Person & Virtual Live Stream)

Monday Evening

thursday evening Bible study

Intercessory Prayer 7:00 pm (Virtual)


12:00 Noon

For Sunday Morning & Monday Evening  Intercessory Prayer, use our free
Conference Call at 267-807-9605.
The Access Code: 779-634

For Sunday School and Thursday Evening Bible Study, please email the church or use the contact us link for the Zoom Link.
7:00 pm (Virtual)